Recent Highlights:
Congress Debates
Sponsored jointly with the Democratic Leadership Council, the Congress Debates series launched in February in an effort to foster bipartisan dialogue on the most important issues facing America and to generate substantive discussion that breaks through the rancor of Washington and returns real policy discussion to the debate between the parties.
Congress of Tomorrow
Since 1987, The Congressional Institute has designed, hosted and facilitated annual Congress of Tomorrow retreats. At the start of each legislative year, Leaders and Members of the Senate and House assemble to engage in a bicameral issues dialogue about the needs of the nation.
Congressional Staff Retreats
Instituted in 2002, the Congressional Staff Retreats allow top aides from leadership, committees, and personal offices to meet and discuss current issues and best practices in Congress.
Past Speakers
A look at previous presenters at Congressional Institute events and conferences.
U.S. Capitol Photos
Early historical photos as well as
photos from recent Capitol Building renovations.
Event and conference photos are copyrighted by
Marty LaVor unless otherwise stated. These images are provided for informational purposes only. No rights of reproduction are granted in any form to anyone visiting this site.