04 Sep '14 For Your Information: House, Senate Plan Post-Recess Agenda; Political Questions Plaguing ISIS Response; Senator Coburn: Call an Amendment Convention Congressional Institute 28 Apr '14 For Your Information: Senate to Hold Minimum Wage Vote; Dismal Dem Polling Numbers; Congressional Compromises in the Offing? Congressional Institute 04 Apr '14 For Your Information: Senate Invokes Cloture on Unemployment Insurance; Dems Avoid Obamacare; Wage Deal Unlikely Congressional Institute 27 Feb '14 For Your Information: How Has the Nuclear Option Affected Senate Holds? Congressional Institute 26 Feb '14 For Your Information: Chairman Dave Camp Unveils Tax Reform Congressional Institute 20 Feb '14 For Your Information: CBO Director Disputes Minimum Wage Report Critics Congressional Institute 19 Feb '14 For Your Information: Congressional Budget Office Releases Findings on Minimum Wage Hike Congressional Institute