In the 116th Congress, rules were adopted creating the Consensus Calendar (clause 7 of rule XV). The rules mandate that the Speaker must designate, and the House must consider, at least one measure on the Consensus Calendar during any week in which the House convenes (except at the beginning and the end of a Congress). This requirement begins March 1 and ends September 30 of a Congress, and does not apply if no measure is on the Consensus Calendar. Measures may be considered in any manner otherwise available under the rules to satisfy this requirement, including under suspension or through a special rule.

To be eligible for placement on the Consensus Calendar, a measure must accumulate 290 cosponsors, and must not have been reported by its primary committee of jurisdiction. Once this cosponsorship threshold is reached, the sponsor of the measure may, while the House is in session, submit to the Clerk a written motion to place the measure on the Consensus Calendar. If the above-mentioned conditions have been met, the Clerk will note the motion’s submission in the Congressional Record of that day, and enter the motion on a comprehensive list of Consensus Calendar Motions (which is viewable on the Clerk’s website). A Consensus Calendar motion is considered withdrawn if the measure that is the subject of such motion is reported by its primary committee before the measure has been placed on the Consensus Calendar. Once a measure that was the subject of a properly filed motion has maintained 290 cosponsors for a cumulative total of 25 legislative days, it is placed on the Consensus Calendar, where it remains until it is considered in the House or reported by its primary committee.

117th Congress House Floor Procedures Manual