Under clause 1 of rule XV, it is in order on any day the House is in session for the Speaker to entertain motions to suspend the rules and pass legislation.

Bills brought up under suspension of the rules are spoken of as “suspensions” in Floor terminology. There is no suspension calendar. The purpose of considering bills under suspension is to dispose of non-controversial measures expeditiously.

A motion to suspend the rules requires a vote of two-thirds of the Members present and voting. No amendments are in order unless submitted with the bill by its manager as part of the motion to suspend the rules.

Debate on a bill brought up under suspension of the rules is limited to 40 minutes, 20 minutes controlled by a Member who supports the bill and 20 minutes controlled by a Member in opposition, a division that does not always follow party lines. It is typical for the Chair or member of the committee of jurisdiction to manage the time. For control of the opposition time, priority is given to a Minority member of the committee that has jurisdiction over the bill. Often the 20 minutes “in opposition” is controlled by the Ranking Member of the committee or subcommittee who may not be opposed to the measure because no one rises in opposition. However, he or she may be challenged for control of the opposition time by another Member who qualifies as being opposed to the measure.

The Majority leadership usually schedules several bills under suspension of the rules on the same day and the Chair often exercises its authority under clause 8 of rule XX to announce beforehand that recorded votes on passage of each suspension, if ordered, will be postponed for up to two legislative days.

At the conclusion of debate, the postponed votes may be “stacked” and put before the House.

118th Congress House Floor Procedures Manual